

Thursday 1 September 2022

For Goodness' Sake ____ AKSHR



For Goodness' Sake


Good Behavior can cover a Lack of Beauty but a 

Good Beauty can never cover a Lack of Good Behavior

You’re beautiful, they tell me —

and I don’t know what to do.

Without these compliments, how could I survive?

I can hear the ugly things they say about me too.

I don’t know how to stop my beauty from bringing

out the worst in them. It terrifies me and I run away —

from them and myself, trying to escape.

Beauty is a curse that I’ve been cursed with.

When I see myself in the mirror, all I see is their


I can’t stop thinking about how they want me to be

something different from what I am — more like them.

Can’t they just love me for who I am?  


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