

Monday 1 August 2022

The Smallest Gift of All ____ AKSHR

The Smallest Gift of All

Thank you for stealing my eyes

 from the crowd and 

stealing my heart from me. 

You have sweetened and 

warmed up my life


Thank you for stealing 

my ears from the day and 

stealing my head from me. 

You have funny and 

interesting things to say


Thank you for stealing 

my hands from their work, 

and stealing 

my body from me. 

You have given 

meaning to all I do


Thank you for stealing 

the chance to be with you, 

and stealing me from myself. 

You have given me 

a reason to live.


Thank you for stealing my moment 

Thank you for stealing my eyes 

from the crowd and stealing 

my heart from me. 

You have sweetened 

and warmed up my life 

You have stolen my legs 

from the ground 

and stole me up to the clouds

I am sorry if I ever 

stole your moment.

My life is incomplete 

without you.



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