

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Something of The Blest_____ AKSHR


Something of The Blest

To get over drinking
will require
a transformation of
thought and attitude.

To get over drinking
I must accept total defeat.
Without help,
I will never be able
without a drink.

I must admit that no matter
what the outcome,
I have lost something
of the blest.
Without help,
I can't think straight.

My own thinking has become
distorted and impaired.
When I think about drinking,
it makes me want to drink.
If I don't stop drinking,
my life will
eventually be destroyed.

Without help,
I cannot think clearly enough
to solve this problem myself;
I will have to find
a way outside my head.
If I don’t stop drinking now,
alcohol will kill me . . . . . . . .


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