

Thursday 21 July 2022

so no point of trusting any one of them _____ AKSHR

so no point of trusting
any one of them

All four pillars of democracy
have broken down several years back,
so no point of trusting any one of them.

No point of trusting the media :

the media has been bought
by big business and corporations,
so no point of trusting them .

No point of trusting the politicians :

politicians are elected by the people,
but once they get in power,
they only serve themselves and
their campaign donors.
So no point of trusting them either.

No point of trusting the law :

the law is made by lawyers
and judges who have been appointed
to their positions by politicians.
So no point of trusting them either .

No point of trusting education :
education has been privatized
and corporatized,
so no point of trusting them either .



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