

Sunday 24 July 2022

Love is the only kind of fire ----- MAKSHR

Love is the only kind of fire 


Love is the only kind of fire which 

is never covered by insurance


Love is the only kind of fire which

 stays lit even when inhaled


Love is the only kind of fire which 

burns both ends, 

leaving you with nothing but smoke


Love is the only kind of fire that 

requires no oxygen to burn


Love is the only kind of fire 

you’re not allowed to put out 

with a little water


Love is the only kind of fire 

no one can give testimony 

against you for lighting

 in their basement 


Love is the only kind of fire 

which is never covered by insurance


I love your lids, which close


I love your lids, 

which close over your eyes

I love the way

I love the way you think

I love the way you think

I'm so glad that I found you

I'm so glad that I found you


Love is not a feeling, 

it's an obligation - 

to be loved and then to love.


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