

Tuesday 28 June 2022

I, too, shall be loved ___ Akshr

I, too, shall be loved

There is nothing you cannot have.
There are no limitations.
There are no boundaries of the mind.

There is nothing to stop you.
Nothing can stop you,
unless it is your
own thoughts and emotions.

That which you want is yours,
if only you are willing to take it.
You have a choice in everything.
You are always free,
as long as you choose yourself first.

You have the power
to make your dreams come true;
all that is left is for you to decide
what those dreams will be.
You can have anything you want,
as long as your willing to work hard for it.

The world is yours to do
with what you please.
The world is yours to control,
and there is nothing that can
stop you from doing so.

If you want something,
go get it. You deserve it.
There is no such thing as "No."
It's all about taking what you want
and making it happen.\



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