

Saturday 14 May 2022

...... you have to keep moving forward ...... Martin Luther King, Jr.



If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Somedays it will feel as if you are making great progress. Others days it will feel as if you have not accomplished anything. These are the days when you can get easily discouraged. You just have to remember that consistent action is better than no action. The momentum will keep building every day, no matter how little you do. Having this mindset is also very realistic, as none of us perform at our very best every single day of our lives. The moment you stop pushing forward is when you let all of your efforts go to waste.

The quotes above are motivators on your journey to entrepreneurial success. Print them out, note them down, memorise them, and most importantly, act upon them. The moment you achieve your dreams, you will realise that none of it would have come about without persistence.

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