

Friday 30 December 2022

Original Sin ____ AKSHR

Original Sin


The poet writes a few lines, then throws them away, thinking:

Nobody’s going to be interested in that.


The poet writes a few lines, then throws them away, thinking:

Nobody’s going to be interested in that.


But what if they were?

But what if they were?


The poet writes a few lines, then throws them away, thinking:

Nobody’s going to be interested in that.


The poet writes a few lines, then throws them away, thinking:

Nobody’s going to be interested in that.


But what if they were?

But what if they were? What if they were?

____ AKSHR


The White Horse _____ AKSHR

The White Horse


If a piece of burning charcoal be placed on a man’s head,

 see how he struggles to throw it off.

Similar will be the struggle for freedom of those who really 

understand that they are slaves of nature. -Buddha

The white horse is a myth.

I think it is only a myth

to warn the child of its possible destiny.

I don’t know if it exists,

but I’ve been told that the white horse will come for you.

It will be a beautiful horse and it will have wings like an angel.

It will be a beautiful horse and it will have wings like an angel.

The rider will be an old man who has 

the power to make all your dreams come true.

He can make your dreams come true,

but he can also take away everything you have.

He can make your dreams come true,

but he can also take away everything you have.

_____ AKSHR 


The Visitor _____ AKSHR

The Visitor


A thought is as vivid as an act, to a lover.

A moment of hesitation, 

when a hand is lifted to push hair

out of the eyes, or cup a chin. 

A moment of hesitation,

when two bodies almost touch and 

then pause for an instant.

A breath held in anticipation. 

A breath held because we want to be sure.

Later — there will be other thoughts and 

sensations that are as vivid as acts,

but this one is fresh, it has just happened. 

This one cuts like an edge into the present, 

and it is the one that matters. 

The one that will last.

_____ AKSHR


Thursday 29 December 2022

The Ethics of Now _____ AKSHR

The Ethics of Now


If human values were relative, 

all laws-whether those based on revealed religions 

or those devised by man-would become meaningless.

Without a transcendent standard to judge actions, 

morality becomes an ever-changing construct based on opinion.

Without God, humans are no more than animals.

There is no meaning to our existence. 

There is no reason for us to be here except that we exist.

_____ AKSHR



A Haunted House _____ AKSHR

A Haunted House


One should cultivate human values for healthy living. 

this calls for harmony in thought, word and deed. 

When you cultivate this harmony you will be free from desires and fears.

Without desires and fears you will be able without effort to be without sorrow.

If you can be without desires and fears, this is a happy state of mind.

_____ AKSHR


The Sunday Philosophy Session _____ AKSHR

The Sunday Philosophy Session: 

How to promote human values 

without involving religion.


There must be a way of promoting human values 

without involving religion, based on 

common sense, experience and recent scientific findings.

Without it, we are lost in the desert, 

having to worship false idols, or prey on each other.

We need some kind of worldwide moral compass 

that would help us decide who is right 

and how best to live our lives.

Without a common sense morality based on human values, 

we cannot be truly human.

_____ AKSHR


Wednesday 28 December 2022

The Life That Is _____ AKSHR

The Life That Is


Without the sense of beauty, 

existence would be a mistake.


Without the sense of beauty, 

we would all be born


blind and deaf, never to know

the voice of a loved one, or the sound 

of our own laughter.

Without the sense of beauty, 

we would be nothing.

_____ AKSHR


We’re all in this Together _____ AKSHR

We’re all in this Together


We are like Tea, we don’t know

our own strength until we’re in Hot Water


We want to be the one who isn’t afraid

To walk into a room


And see ourselves everywhere:

reflected in the faces of others,


 reminding us of our vulnerability,

but also our shared strength.


We want to enter what’s hard

and not find it hard to enter.


We are like Tea, we don’t know

our own strength until we’re in Hot Water.

_____ AKSHR


Sticks and Stones _____ AKSHR

Sticks and Stones


There is something in the nature of tea

that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.

Without pretense, it asks us to be present, to savor its flavor.

It demands our full attention.

It asks us to slow down and to relax.

Tea is a drink of mindfulness.

_____ AKSHR


A Day spent without the sight or sound of beauty ____ AKSHR

A Day spent without the sight or sound of beauty


A day spent without the sight or sound of beauty,

the contemplation of mystery, or the search of truth

or perfection is a poverty-stricken day;

and a succession of such days is fatal to human life.

____ AKSHR


Tuesday 27 December 2022

The Four Prisoners ______ AKSHR


The Four Prisoners


"In order to lead a meaningful life, 

you need to cherish others, 

pay attention to human values 

and try to cultivate inner peace." 

~ Dalai Lama


I have lived in prisons all my life.

I have been a prisoner of 

my false perceptions and ignorance.


A prisoner of the expectations of others.

A prisoner of my own limitations and insecurities.

I am now free from all these prisons.

______ AKSHR


The Waste Land ______ AKSHR

The Waste Land


In cultivating human values, 

emphasis should also be placed on avoiding 

wastage of money, food and time.

We should also take care of the environment 

and avoid wastage of money, food and time.

______ AKSHR 


It's all about the money _____ AKSHR

It's all about the money


There's nothing of any importance in life 

 except how well you do your work. 

Nothing. Only that. 

Whatever else you are, will come from that. 

It's the only measure of human value.

Without it, you're nobody.

What is your work? What do you do?

_____ AKSHR 


The Scent of Money ____ AKSHR

The Scent of Money


In cultivating human values, 

emphasis should also be placed 

on avoiding wastage of money, food and time.

Without sufficient money, food and time, 

people cannot live in a satisfactory way.

Without the proper use of money, food and time, 

they will die early.

____ AKSHR


Sunday 25 December 2022

When My House Falls Down _____ AKSHR

When My House Falls Down


When one is in disorder and confusion, 

society becomes utterly chaotic; 

then that very disorder creates authority.


When my house falls down

I will still try to put it back together.

When my house falls down


I will still try to put it back together.

I will still try to put it back together.

 _____ AKSHR


The Poet And The Parrot ____ AKSHR

The Poet And The Parrot


One can live in this world anonymously, completely unknown, without being famous, ambitious, cruel.

Without ever really doing anything.

It’s just a matter of being silent, of not talking about yourself, of not drawing attention to yourself.

Without even wanting to be known for something.

One can do this for years at a time and then one day hear about the existence of a parrot that speaks your name.

And you know that there is nothing you can do to stop this.

____ AKSHR 

Being with you keeps me alive ____ AKSHR

Being with you keeps me alive


Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. 

Being with you keeps me alive.

Being with you keeps me alive.

I am a stargazer, watching you from afar.

Without meaning to, I hurt myself on your words.

I know what I am doing is wrong

You think I don’t see you—that maybe my body 

can’t feel you -but it does.

I see you and wonder if this is love.

You think I don’t see you—that maybe my body 

can’t feel you -but it does.

I know what I am doing is wrong

You think I don’t see you—that maybe my body 

can’t feel you -but it does.

I am a stargazer, watching you from afar.

____ AKSHR 

In the Light of the Fireflies _____ AKSHR

In the Light of the Fireflies

I love every moment spent with you, 

your love has touched my heart.

I love the way you look at me, 

your eyes so beautiful, that I could stare for hours.

Without you, my life would be incomplete, 

by your side I am always smiling.

My heart is full of joy and happiness; a gift 

from God meant just for me: YOU.

Our love will last forever and beyond; 

we are together as one in our hearts.

I promise to always treasure you; 

I will never leave you, or make you cry.

You are a true blessing from God above; 

our love is more than just words can describe.

Your smile makes my day better than before; 

with each passing day my love grows stronger.

Our hearts are beating as one now and forever; 

we have found true love in each other’s arms.

_____ AKSHR 


Saturday 24 December 2022

The Gifts of Karma ____ AKSHR

The Gifts of Karma


The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.

The gifts of karma are never lost,

they only change forms. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Without anger we have no impetus for growth.

Without fear we have no impetus for change.

The universe is a mirror that reflects back to us our own assumptions about ourselves.

____ AKSHR