

Thursday 4 July 2024

Do everything happily. ---- SS RAVI SHANKAR ---- AKSHR

Do everything happily. Walk, talk, sit happily; even if you complain against somebody, do it happily 

In the fields of joy, where laughter flows free,

We dance and sing, with hearts full of glee.

The sun shines bright, with nary a frown,

And all around, the flowers bloom in town.


We walk with grace, with steps so light,

Our footsteps echoing through the night.

Our talk is sweet, with words so kind,

And our sit is comfortable, with hearts entwined.


Even when we complain, we do it with a grin,

For life is short, and joy is within.

So let us embrace each moment with glee,

And do everything happily. 

Balance in activity, --- SS RAVI SHANKAR --- AKSHR


Balance in activity, balance in food and balance in your rest, your sleep, will bring equilibrium within you.

In life's grand tapestry, balance is the thread

That weaves each act and deed, to bring us to a stead

Of equilibrium, where mind and body find

Their harmony, in rest and sleep, so divine

The world outside may spin and dance with fray

But within, let balance be the guiding way

To keep our thoughts and actions in due time

And bring us peace, as day becomes night's rhyme

The food we eat, the activities we choose

Must find a balance, to keep our bodies loose

Too much of one, and imbalance we'll find

Too little of the other, and our health will decline

So let us strive for balance, day by day

In all we do, and all we say

For in that balance, we'll find our way

To a life of harmony, in every single way

Don’t fall in love, rise in love! ---- AKSHR


 Don’t fall in love, rise in love!

Oh, my dear, don't fall in love,

For love can bring both joy and pain.

It's a journey that's full of ups and downs,

And it's hard to know what the future holds.


But instead of falling, rise in love,

Let it lift you up and take you far.

For love is a force that's strong and true,

And it can take you places you never knew.


So don't be afraid to open your heart,

And let love shine its light from the start.

For when you rise in love, you'll soar,

And your heart will be forever more. 

Monday 1 July 2024

“The solution to the problem of the day is the awakening .....” – Hazrat Inayat Khan --- AKSHR



41. “The solution to the problem of the day is the awakening of the consciousness of humanity to the divinity within.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan

. “Changing mass consciousness is an individual responsibility.” – Dennis Weaver


 “Changing mass consciousness is an individual responsibility.” – Dennis Weaver

–“Awakening is dynamic. Constantly evolving in accordance with life’s realities.-- Taitetsu Unno ---- AKSHR


“Awakening is dynamic. Constantly evolving in accordance with life’s realities. Unfolding from ego-self to compassionate self. From enclosed self to open self. From foolish self to enlightened self.” – Taitetsu Unno