

Tuesday 25 June 2024

“Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, and purity: .... Geeta .... AKSHR


“Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, and purity: 

these are the disciplines of the mind.”

As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, ..... Geeta ... AKSHR

As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming world of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man’s intellect.”

  • The Gita warns about the dangers of uncontrolled senses leading one away from wisdom.


Monday 24 June 2024

“As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, ---- GEETA ---- AKSHR


“As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, 

the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, 

for the sake of leading people on the right path.”

In fields of green, where knowledge grows,

The learned and ignorant, both do flow.

Their paths may cross, their fates entwine,

Yet differ their aims, and differ their design.

The ignorant, with passion's fire,

Perform their duties, with hearts' desire.

Their labors, fueled by hope and greed,

Yet blind to truth, in deeds unheeded.

The learned, with wisdom's light,

Act with compassion, in endless sight.

Their actions, guided by virtue's hand,

Lead people on, to a better land.

Though both may toil, with sweat and tears,

Their purposes, vastly differing years.

The ignorant, with attachment strong,

Seek rewards, their hearts to throng.

The learned, with detachment true,

Act for the sake of others, anew.

Their deeds, a beacon in the night,

Guide people right, with all their might.

So let us learn, from those who know,

And follow wisdom's path, we go.

For in the end, it is not we,

Who shape our lives, but destiny.

“Yoga is skill in actions.” ------ AKSHR

“Yoga is skill in actions.”


Yoga, the art of balance and poise,

A skill that brings harmony to our noise,

In each pose, we find our center,

And let go of the chaos that we enter.


With every breath, we quiet the mind,

And find peace in the present, we find,

The movements flow like a river's stream,

As we bend and stretch, our spirits gleam.


Yoga is skill in actions, you see,

A way to cultivate serenity,

In every posture, we find our strength,

And let go of the weight that we bring.


So come, my friends, let us practice,

And find the balance that we all need,

In the art of yoga, we'll find our peace,

And let go of the world's noise and speed. 

Sunday 23 June 2024

Sometimes, I whisper to my books..... " --- AKSHR


Sometimes, I whisper to my books. 

I think they understand me better than people."


In quiet hours, when day is done,

I whisper secrets to my favorite one.

The pages listen, with a silent ear,

And in their wisdom, I find solace dear.


The words within, a language speak,

That echoes my heart, and all I seek.

Their wisdom whispers, in a gentle tone,

A comfort that's mine, and makes me whole.


For in their lines, my thoughts unfold,

And in their silence, my heart is told.

The books understand, without a sound,

The whispers of my soul, without a bound.


And so I whisper, to their silent page,

My deepest fears, my greatest rage.

And in their wisdom, I find a peace,

That calms my mind, and soothes my release.


For in their words, I find a friend,

Who listens closely, till the end.

And though they're silent, they hear my voice,

And in their pages, my heart takes its choice.

Friday 21 June 2024

“Human life. Duration: momentary. Nature: changeable. ---- Marcus Aurelius ---- AKSHR


[*] “Human life. Duration: momentary. Nature: changeable. Perception: dim. Condition of Body: decaying. Soul: spinning around. Fortune: unpredictable. Fortune: unpredictable. Lasting Fame: uncertain. Sum up: The body and its parts are a river, the soul a dream and mist, life is warfare and a journey far from home, lasting reputation is oblivion.” Marcus Aurelius

“If you do everything as if it were the last thing you were doing in life, .... Marcus Aurelius ..... AKSHR


[*] “If you do everything as if it were the last thing you were doing in life, and stop being aimless, stop letting your emotions override what your mind tells you, stop being hypocritical, self-centered, irritable. You see how few things you have to do to live a satisfying and reverent life?” Marcus Aurelius

“Some things are rushing into existence, others out of it. ---- Marcus Aurelius ------ AKSHR


[*] “Some things are rushing into existence, others out of it. Some of what now exists is already gone. Change and flux constantly remake the world, just as the incessant progression of time remakes eternity. We find ourselves in a river. Which of the things around us should we value when none of them can offer a firm foothold?” Marcus Aurelius

Sunday 16 June 2024

It is not flesh and blood, but heart which makes us fathers and sons. --- Friedrich Schiller ---- AKSHR


It is not flesh and blood, 

but heart which makes us 

fathers and sons. 

Friedrich Schiller

Wishing you a fulfilling and prosperous Eid al-Adha!” ..... AKSHR



 “Let the spirit of sacrifice and devotion light up your soul.

Wishing you a fulfilling and prosperous Eid al-Adha!”

Oh! God! That bread should be so dear, and flesh and blood so cheap! Thomas Hood --- AKSHR


Oh! God! That bread should be so dear, 

and flesh and blood so cheap!

Thomas Hood


In streets of gold, where crumbs do lie

A loaf of bread, a wondrous sigh

Oh! God! That bread should be so dear

And flesh and blood so cheap, so near


The aroma wafts, a savory treat

Tempting tongues, that eager beat

But alas, the cost, a bitter pill

Leaves many hungry, with a hollow will


In markets bustling, with life's delight

A loaf of bread, a precious sight

But oh, the price, a heavy toll

Leaves many struggling, with an empty roll


Oh! God! That bread should be so dear

And flesh and blood so cheap, so clear

That all may dine, with full delight

And never know, the pangs of night


But till that day, when all is bright

And bread and blood, are within our sight

We'll cherish every crumb, we may find

And pray for justice, to be kind.

The savage bows down to idols of wood and stone, ..... George Bernard Shaw --- AKSHR


The savage bows down to idols of wood and stone,

 the civilized man to idols of flesh and blood George Bernard Shaw


In realms of old, where tribes did roam,

The savage bows down to idols of wood and stone,

A primitive reverence, a primal tone,

For gods of earth and forest, ancient and unknown.


But in the west, where cities rise so high,

The civilized man to idols of flesh and blood does sigh,

A worship of beauty, of strength and of might,

For idols of humanity, in all their shining light.


He prays to the gods of love and desire's fire,

To Venus and Mars, and the passions that conspire,

He offers up his heart, his soul, his every prayer,

For the fleeting joys of life, and the sorrows that ensnare.


Yet, in his heart, a secret lies in store,

A knowledge of the true, the eternal, and more,

A truth that whispers low, of a love that's divine,

A love that's not of wood, or stone, or flesh, or shrine.


But still he turns to idols, to idols of might,

To gods of power and glory, in the morning light,

And though he knows the truth, he cannot turn away,

For in his heart, a savage still holds sway.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

..... build connections and not passive-aggression.” -- Criss Jami


“Let our information and social technologies 
raise awareness and not propaganda, 
build connections and not passive-aggression.”
- Criss Jami


Amidst the chime of digital days,

Where information flows in every way,

Let us raise awareness, not propaganda,                                             

And build connections, not passive-aggression.


With hashtags and feeds, we share our deeds,

But let us not forget the art of hearing,

The whispers of the human heart,

That bond us, not apart.


In the shadows of the screen,

Let us find the light of empathy,

The courage to speak truth,

The grace to listen free.


Let our data be the spark,

That ignites the flame of understanding,

And in the glow of digital days,

Let us forge connections, not dividing.


So let us use our tools with care,

To build bridges, not walls of despair,

Let our information and social tech,

Raise awareness, not propaganda and hype.


May our online lives be the start,

Of meaningful change, and heart-to-heart,

For in the beauty of the digital age,

Let us find the power to create, and not the rage.

You must love yourself internally to glow externally.” – Hannah Bronfman -- AKSHR

 90. “Don’t forget to tell yourself positive things daily! 

You must love yourself internally to glow externally.” 

– Hannah Bronfman

In the morning's golden light,

When darkness fades and night takes flight,

I wake with thoughts of self-love bright,

And whisper truths that banish fright.


"Beloved, you are strong and true,"

I say to myself, with heart anew,

"You've overcome each test of time,

And emerged a shining, radiant prime."


I remind myself of all I've done,

Of challenges I've faced, and won,

Of every step that's brought me near,

To the person I've grown to hold dear.


"I am enough," I whisper low,

"A unique and precious gem to know,

My worth is not in what I do,

But in the love that shines from me, anew."


As I face the day's uncertain tide,

I hold on tight to self-love's inside,

For when I love myself with all my heart,

I radiate that love, and never depart.


So let us all remember to tell,

Our inner selves the truth that's swell,

Of love and worth, and all we've done,

And glow from within, like the morning sun.


39. “You are not a drop in the ocean. ” – Rumi --- AKSHR


39. “You are not a drop in the ocean. 

You are the entire ocean in a drop.” 

– Rumi


Oh, you are not a drop in the ocean, my dear,

You are the entire sea in a tiny speck of fear.

Your worth is not measured by size or by weight,

But by the depth of your soul and the strength of your fate.


You are a universe within, a world so grand,

A drop of pure potential, a gem in the land.

Your heart beats with the rhythm of the tides,

A force so powerful, it cannot be denied.


You are the ocean's secret, its deepest delight,

A treasure so precious, shining with pure light.

You are the wave that crashes on the shore,

A symphony of life, forever more.


So don't let anyone make you feel small,

For you are the ocean, and you are the all.

You are the drop that holds the sea within,

A masterpiece of beauty, a work of art and kin.

Sunday 9 June 2024

“The older I get, the more I realize I just need the simple things in life:... .” AKSHR


“The older I get, the more I realize I just need the simple things in life: a comfy home, good food on the table and to be surrounded by the people I love.”

Saturday 8 June 2024

“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” – Frank Lloyd Wright --- AKSHR


2. “The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.”
– Frank Lloyd Wright


In youth's untamed vigor, life's path I did stray,

Seeking fortune, fame, and fleeting pleasures' sway.

But as the years go by, I find my heart doth say,

The longer I live, the more beauty I see in each day.


The sunrise's golden glow, the stars that twinkle bright,

The gentle breeze that whispers through the trees at night,

The laughter of children, the love that's pure and true,

All these things, and more, I see in life anew.


The longer I live, the more I understand,

That life is a tapestry, woven by loving hands.

Each thread of joy, each stitch of sorrow,

Weaves a fabric rich, and a story to be told tomorrow.


The longer I live, the more I realize,

That life is a gift, and a surprise.

Each moment a treasure, each day a delight,

A chance to love, to learn, to live with all my might.


So let me embrace each day with open arms,

And cherish every moment, no matter the charms.

For the longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes,

And I'll savor each moment, until my final refrains.

Count your life by smiles, not tears.” – John Lennon -- AKSHR


4. “Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.” – John Lennon


As years go by, and memories fade,

Count your age by friends, not time displayed.

For though the clock may tick away with ease,

It's the bonds we form that bring joy and peace.


In a world of tears, where sorrow's deep,

Count your life by smiles, and let your heart keep.

For every laugh, every tear, every sigh,

Is a story told, and a memory to the sky!


So let us cherish those who stand by our side,

And count our age by friends, where love will reside.

For though the years may pass, and time may flee,

It's the love we share that sets our hearts free.

Saturday 1 June 2024

All spiritual growth begins by first acknowledging.... . Helwa, A .... AKSHR


 All spiritual growth begins by first acknowledging and addressing our own pride, faults, and judgments.