

Tuesday 31 January 2023

All Is Now _____ AKSHR

All Is Now


Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind


Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

_____ AKSHR 


Nothing So Strange _____ AKSHR


Nothing So Strange


Once in a while, 

right in the middle of an ordinary life, 

love gives us a fairy tale

meeting, the kind where you know instantly

 that you have found the one person for you. 

It feels like destiny, and it was.

Without a word spoken between us, 

we knew everything we needed to know and more.

The two of us were enough. 

We were more than enough. 

We were everything in this world that mattered.

_____ AKSHR


A Note on Falling in Love _____ AKSHR

A Note on Falling in Love


Falling in love is like jumping off 

a really tall building.

Your brain tells you it’s not a good idea,

but your heart tells you, you can fly.

_____ AKSHR 


Thursday 26 January 2023

This is Your Life _____ AKSHR

This is Your Life


Love — a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker


Love is the desire to be desired, the yearning to be yearned for and the longing to long

Love is a temporary insanity curable only by marriage or death

Love is physical pain accompanied by spiritual exhilaration

Love is excitement that has found a settling place in quietude

Love is the only force capable of transforming a clod of dirt into a living breathing human being

Love is the most intense, unselfish, and unpossessed of all emotions

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired

Love is a mutual concern for the welfare of another coupled with a feeling that they are deserving of such concern

This is Your Life

_____ AKSHR 

The Ship ______ AKSHR


The Ship


In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you

because you are the constellation I’ve been trying to find

in a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you 

and if I can’t see you, I feel like all the lights go out

in a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.

______ AKSHR

A Stray Thought _____ AKSHR

A Stray Thought


Be a light not a judge.

Be a model not a choice.

Be part of the solution not

part of the problem.

_____ AKSHR

The Thief of Time _____ AKSHR

The Thief of Time


My advice is to never do tomorrow

what you can do today.


Procrastination is the thief of time


And that’s what I was doing.

I was procrastinating.

_____ AKSHR


Monotheist _____ AKSHR




The lover is a monotheist who knows

that other people worship different gods

but cannot himself imagine that

there could be other gods.

_____ AKSHR

Alcohol for Breakfast _____ AKSHR


Alcohol for Breakfast


Love is the condition 

in which the happiness of 

another person is essential to your own

_____ AKSHR 

Wednesday 25 January 2023

The Art of Happiness _____ AKSHR

The Art of Happiness


For every minute you are angry,

you lose sixty seconds of happiness.


It is an art to be still,

to let the mind dissolve into its own breath.


The mind has so many thoughts,

a million, ten million; and then more.

The thoughts come, and then they go.

It is an art to be still,

to let the mind dissolve into its own breath.

_____ AKSHR 

The Wise Woman and the Snake _____ AKSHR


The Wise Woman and the Snake


Nature has given us all the pieces required

to achieve exceptional wellness and health,

but has left it to us to put these pieces together.


The Wise Woman is the Earth and the Snake

The Snake is the Healer of all Ills

The Earth is a living organism containing

every mineral and nutrient needed to sustain life.

 _____ AKSHR 


Monday 23 January 2023

We need 4 hugs a day for survival ...... AKSHR


We need 4 hugs a day for survival

We need 4 hugs a day for survival. 

We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. 

We need 12 hugs a day for growth


We need a hug when we get up in the morning. 

We need a hug before we go to bed at night. 

We need hugs in between


We need a hug when we're feeling down. 

We need a hug when we're feeling happy. 

We need hugs all the time


We need hugs from our friends and family. 

We need hugs from the people we meet on the street. 

We need hugs everyday


We need to give out hugs and take them in. 

And this is how we can grow and thrive


Sunday 1 January 2023

To Insure the Protection and the Happiness ____ AKSHR

To Insure the Protection and the Happiness 

of the People of the Country


Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely 

according to conscience, above all liberties

Let me have the medicine of the present moment,

not the food of an hour to come.

Without fear or favor I make my appeal to you 

who are now assembled on the brink of a new era,

An era which will open up the avenues 

of progress and place them in all our hands.

The idea that we must consider ourselves 

only as favored children of God is a luxury 

which we cannot afford any longer.

____ AKSHR 


Reaching across the void _____ AKSHR

Reaching across the void


You have not got a book in your hand, 

you have got nothing at all.

Without a book, you are nothing. 

I was born without a book in my hand.


I am nothing.


You have got to get a new story about your life, 

and if that is not enough, what about the rest of us?

You have got to get over yourself. Your story, and no one else’s.


Your mommy and daddy’s stories are not the same as yours, 

but you don’t know it yet! And maybe never will.

Without a book in your hand, you have got nothing at all!

_____ AKSHR


The Soul is Not a Stone, But a Husk of Birds _____ AKSHR

The Soul is Not a Stone, But a Husk of Birds


The soul is not a stone

but a husk of birds

who have fallen from the nest.

Bruised and broken, they lie in the corner 

of your room, mourning themselves.

But you cannot hear them.

The soul cannot be heard. 

It cannot be seen.

It cannot be touched.

It is abandoned and alone,

and it will never fly again.

_____ AKSHR