

Saturday 12 October 2024

“Education is discovering your full potential and ..... ” ― Amit Ray ---- AKSHR


 “Education is discovering your full potential and 

flourishing that potential for the benefit of the humanity.”

― Amit Ray

“Life is like a river, ..... .” ― Amit Ray ---- AKSHR


 “Life is like a river, 

if you cannot let go of the past, 

it will drag you down the stream.”
Amit Ray

“Change is the truth of life. .... .” ― Amit Ray ---- AKSHR


 “Change is the truth of life. 

The only thing that causes pain is resistance to change. 

The way to growth is to accept it and conquer it with a tranquil mind.”

― Amit Ray

Friday 11 October 2024

"Where there is a woman, there is magic." - Ntozake Shange --- AKSHR


"Where there is a woman, there is magic." 

- Ntozake Shange 


Where there is a woman, there is magic in the air

Her grace and beauty, beyond compare

With every step and every move, she casts a spell

A true enchantress, beyond what any spell can tell


Her laughter is music, her smile a work of art

Her touch can heal the heart, and make the stars come out

In her eyes, the light of love and kindness shines

A true wonder, a treasure beyond divine


With her by your side, you'll never feel alone

Together, you'll soar on eagle's wings, and make your own

For where there is a woman, there is magic in her soul

And with her love, your heart will never grow old


“We need women at all levels, --- Sheryl Sandberg --- AKSHR


“We need women at all levels, 

including the top, 

to change the dynamic, 

reshape the conversation,

 to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, 

not overlooked and ignored.” --- Sheryl Sandberg


We need women at all levels, high and low,

To change the dynamic, and let their voices show.

Their perspectives, so often overlooked,

Must be reshaped, and their words, unbooked.


At the top, we need women's voices, clear and strong,

To reshape the conversation, and break the song.

Their wisdom, so often ignored,

Must be heard, and their power, unexplored.


We need women in the boardroom, and in the hall,

To make sure their voices are heard, and their call.

Their ideas, so often dismissed,

Must be embraced, and their vision, unpressed.


We need women in leadership, to pave the way,

To make sure their voices are heard, night and day.

Their presence, so often lacking,

Must be felt, and their influence, unlacking.


So let us raise our voices, and make some noise,

For women's rights, and women's choice.

Let us reshape the conversation, and make it fair,

For women's voices, and women's hair.


“I can promise you that women working together ,,,, ” --- Isabel Allende --- AKSHR


“I can promise you that women working together - 

linked, informed, and educated - can bring peace 

and prosperity to this forsaken planet.” 

--- Isabel Allende

In a world of strife and discord,

Where hate and fear are oft accord,

I promise you, dear sisters,

That together, we can be the changemakers.


With linked hands and informed minds,

We'll stand against the tides of time,

Education our weapon,

To bring peace and prosperity in rhyme.


For women, united we stand,

Our voices raised, our hearts expanded,

Together we'll break the chains,

Of oppression, and make the world our canvas.


With every step we take,

We'll pave the way for a brighter sake,

For ourselves, our daughters, and our peers,

We'll bring a future that's full of cheer.


So let us join hands, my dear,

And make a promise, clear and near,

That together, we'll bring the light,

To this forsaken world, and make it bright.   


"The most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence." - - Black lively --- AKSHR


"The most beautiful thing a woman can wear is confidence."

-Black lively

In gleaming hues of golden light,

A woman's confidence takes flight,

Her spirit soaring high and bright,

As she strides with grace and might.


Her smile, a radiant beacon, shines,

Illuminating all who are divine,

Her laughter, music to the ears,

As her beauty leaves all in reverent fears.


With every step, she takes the floor,

Her poise and elegance, a work of art,

Her inner beauty, a shining core,

A treasure that no gem can impart.


For confidence is the most, rare,

And precious jewel in her hair,

It sparkles brighter than any gem,

And makes her shine like a star within.


So let her walk with head held high,

And graceful strides that never die,

For in her confidence, she finds,

The most beautiful thing she can wear, and bind.